Google Search


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Disappointed in Google...

Yea I know that the google search engine is great, Blogger is great, Gmail is great, Orkut is great - basically all the services are great. They just made few mistakes on the road to the greatness.

I know how much it takes to maintain huge systems, and I know that the most problems are started from the business side. Revenue is everything, so you always need to expand and create new products. I is hard to integrate different systems as they tend to have very different architecture.

I have survived several harvesting/infection attempts in Orkut - I admit they are a minor nuisance, but still, its an indication that something is broken. It may not be a problem of technology in essence, but the social engineering behind it. As people get more adept in scripting languages the patterns you need to create to suppress malicious use are getting too complex.

Bu this is not why I'm disappointed. The problem is one single decision that google made to increase the revenue with its gmail service. At the beginning the service was nice and pure - you had to be invited to join by a person. I know it is not really efficient nor failsafe against bot engines that would send up millions of invitations to them self, just to be able to send more spam. When one gets closed and the address banned the bot has several to spare.

I have pretty good filters to filter and classify spam to categories. The thing that pushed me over the line was 2 e-mails coming from the same gmail address with 1 hour interval - first was mail containing harvesting address and the second was mail inviting me to work as gmail address creator "Work from home filling forms".

Right - does anyone else see a problem here or am I alone?

How blunt do you have to be to work for the people who harvest your address or even infect you computer with spyware or trojans.

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