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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Space madness...

Looks like Bill Gates is finally starting to think out of the box - hes going into space:)

This is great that rich people spend some of their money on spaceflight. It could stimulate the space industry a little and maybe generate some new concepts of how to do it better and safer. It would be a hard blow to the companies ego to report to the public "We are sad to inform that the rocket/shuttle transporting Bill Gates to the ISS has exploded after takeoff". Some would be sad and the Linux people would rejoice (nothing personal Bill - its just business). Well, to think of the past, when bill was head of Microsoft security was nonexistent but at least the release schedule was kept strictly by the numbers...

This makes me wonder - when will NASA send the last (14?) peaces of the ISS up to orbit? I know that there should have been a lot of science modules, but how about sending a nice motel up there? As there have been 5 civilians up there and possibly more to follow. Also they could put a nice herbonics bay in place - the astro-/kosmo-/taikonauts need their daily vitamins also and where else can you grow 100kg melons (ok ok Chernobyl does not count as you would glow green the rest of the life).

As I have not been in space I really cant comment on what to do better (I can at least dream of it :) ) but when I will go I would expect a nice motel, good food, nice beverages and some more room. I could not imagine bouncing around in a 2 by 2 barrel all day looking at the blue sphere that is the earth. It will be interesting for about 2 hours total - 1 for day time and the second for night time, so what I'm supposed to do the rest 2+ days?

PS! Anyone willing to loan me 130M $USD for a trip to the ISS and a spin around the moon? :) Ill pay You back in 10k years - I promise. ;)

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