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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Guinea pig by choice...

I have always been skeptical about all the food additives advertised as the miracle cure for almost all diseases and symptoms, so naturally I'm skeptical about this experiment also. As winter is coming and the pressure at work is rising and more and more new tasks are piling in the work queue and one more major project beginning I need something to keep me sharp.

So far I have been drinking coffee a and espresso to keep the mind sharp, but lately it has started to stop giving the kick I have become used to, so the natural next step was to start with energy drinks (Dynami:t, Red Bull, Battery, Hustler, Red Devil, LX, Traffic, Red Energy, Starter, Burn, Firestarter, Energy, Rodeo, Dark Dog, etc... - hmm, I didn't know there were so many available here...) but they are not meant for day to day use. Also they can cause prolonged fatigue after prolonged usage not to mention the stress to the body when recovering from from the constant hyper stimulated state.

Ok, back to the subject - as I was watching the TV I saw an add for a drug called Neurozan. It was advertised as "food for a thinking mind" so it is a perfect drug to test my skepticism.

After little googeling I found the specs for it and to my surprise - its an food additive/complex vitamin joined together. Ok, some components stay a mystery for myself, so lets hope those are the "secret" components that provide the "food for the mind" part of the advertisement. So if it does not work it will provide me full days worth of vitamins.

The pest way to test if this really works or if it is a placebo is the increase the pressure (will happen next week with 2 fold) and start taking the pills. Tho this raises another question - if the placebo effect works one way (making you believe the drug works even if its just plain candy in a medical capsule) will it work the other way (will my skepticism work against the effects of the pill)? The only way to know is in 30 days :)

Tho, I will not substitute my regular coffee and espresso that I drink at work with water I will try to lower my usage of the energy drinks. I'm not going cold turkey on a thought that it might help...

Day 1 - no effect so far :)

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